
Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2012

Rockstar Angel

Picture: Denimtarian by TT
Picture: Denimtarian by TT

Language DE | EN

Heute war ein besonderer Tag, um dem Anlass gerecht zu werden, habe ich mich von Rockstars&Angels aus L.A. inspirieren lassen. Siehe bitte dazu mein Post "Meet & Greet with Lars Böttcher" (Head of Design - Rockstars&Angels).

Outfit: Lederjacke - Religion UK, Hemd - Cheap Monday, Jacke - AllSaints, Hose - AllSaints, Budapester - Zara, Accessoires - Rockstars&Angels
Today was a special day to meet the occasion, I let myself inspired by Rockstars&Angels from Los Angeles. On that point please see my post "Meet & Greet with Lars Böttcher" (Head of Design - Rockstars&Angels).

Outfit: Leather jacket - Religion UK, Shirt - Cheap Monday, Jacket - AllSaints, Pant - AllSaints, Budapester - Zara, Accessories - Rockstars&Angels

4 Kommentare:

  1. I love that your look is simple but with an edge!

  2. Hi Fashion Cappuccino,

    Thank´s a lot, nice to hear...:)

    You´re right sometimes is less more, isn´t?

  3. Really cool blog consept! Love the leather jacket and rings!

  4. Hi Chris,

    I am glad to hear that you like my concept. Of course, that you like my stuff too.

